Monday, September 17, 2007


This is where I am today. Very hot weather. Im waiting for the ferry to take me back to Sorrento, which will take one hour. From there Ill need to buy a ticket and find the right bus to catch back to my hotel.
AS you can probably gather from the bus photo, the roads here are very narrow!


Sarah said...

Ciao Jess!

Che bella tempo.
Sounds like you are having a blast. Your photos make me feel very envious!
Shop hard and stay safe.

Gill said...

Hi Jess here we are safe in London hoping you are ok quite a bit cooler now! I ve planned a few trips for us already having spied some good shoppy sort of places! Have posted a letter to the last hotel(Giotto) just telling you to get to the airport early as although its quite easy and well signposted every gate has lots of queues/ We did a million things after you left and my feet were so blistered I thought gangrene might set in! Have talked to Dad and Nick and they are having a great time hanging out together I guess Nick is nicer to him than I am!!!Hope the tour mates are ok. Greg sends his love Ma x

Nick Ward said...

Hey Sis! Glad the camera is working out for you I'll look forward to editing the epic with you when you get back.

I'm having a great time with Dad. While the cat's away...

Mum has lost your flight details to England so she asked me to ask you to post them on your awesome blog. I have no idea why she can't ask you herself but with Mum nothing is ever easy! Very jealous of your visit to Pompeii - it has always been on my "to do" list. Love and hugs. Nick.

Paul & Kirsty said...

Hi ya Jess
Love the photos and it sounds like you are having a great time!!! try a lemon and vodka sorbet - divine.
Hi to mummy Gill when you catch up. lots of love from Catie
Paul and Kirsty